Enrollments for March 21, 2025 - June 20, 2025

(In Studio) Postpartum Repair & Restore [4-Week Series] March-April with Kendra Fitzgerald

Wed Date: Mar 12 2025 - Apr 02 2025 From: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

This weekly class is ideal for moms of any stage postpartum who want to begin the recovery of your core, diastasis recti (abdominal separation from pregnancy) and pelvic floor weakness after pregnancy. Over 4 weeks, you’ll learn how to assess your own Diastasis, connect to your strength again and walk away with effective practices and lifestyle/baby carrying tweaks that will support your repair and restoration. Become an advocate for your own well-being and begin filling your own tool-box that will help you modify ANY hardcore bootcamp, gym class, or yoga class so you progress yourself safely in any setting.

In a format that is a part workout, part workshop-style program, you'll be learning as you're moving. This program is a must-have for every mom wanting to jump-start their return to exercise safely and to feeling whole again.

$99 for 4 weeks

(Live Stream) Postpartum Repair & Restore [4-Week Series] with Kendra Fitzgerald

Wed Date: Mar 12 2025 - Apr 02 2025 From: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

This weekly class is ideal for moms of any stage postpartum who want to begin the recovery of your core, diastasis recti (abdominal separation from pregnancy) and pelvic floor weakness after pregnancy. Over 4 weeks, you’ll learn learn how to assess your own Diastasis, connect to your strength again and walk away with effective practices and lifestyle/baby carrying tweaks that will support your repair and restoration. Become an advocate for your own well-being and begin filling your own tool-box that will help you modify ANY hardcore bootcamp, gym class, or yoga class so you progress yourself safely in any setting.

In a format that is a part workout, part workshop-style program, you'll be learning as you're moving. This program is a must-have for every mom wanting to jump-start their return to exercise safely and to feeling whole again.

$99 for 4 weeks
(No class Jan 29th )

(In Person ) 2nd Time (or more) Parent Support Group (6 Weeks) with Amy Edelstein

Thu Date: Mar 13 2025 - May 01 2025 From: 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM

With:  Amy Edelstein, LCSW

The Second Time ( Or More ) Parent group is a supportive environment for parents to connect and share openly about the challenges and rewards of transitioning to a bigger family, The group will provide a way for parents to reconnect with their inner selves and offer a safe, non-judgmental space where you can share the joys, address the challenges and connect with others to navigate a path toward your new role as a second time (or more) parent. Babies welcome up to age 1.

Dates and topics for discussion for the series:
  • March 13 - Week 1 - Building a Community We will come together to hear each others birth and family stories. We will also discuss the importance of self-care. Now that there is more family to love…what do you do to love yourself?
  •  March 20 - Week 2 - Family After becoming settled in the way of your old family you now have to change your traditions, your timing, and possibly your car. How does your family function now that it’s been shaken up again? Is the baby rocking your world or along for the ride?
  • March 27- No class
  •  April 3- Week 3 - Guilt We will discuss all the ways that guilt has been making a new impact in our lives. Guilt for having a second child, guilt for feeling unable to give enough to each child, guilt for changing things again… etc.
  • April 10- Week 4 - Intimacy How is your new family impacting your relationships? How are you and your partner surviving the new changes? With a bigger family you have even less time, how do you redefine both emotional and sexual intimacy? Are you communicating with your partner and supports or using avoiding and mind reading tactics to get through each day.
  • April 17- No Class
  • April 24- Week 5 - Difficult Conversations with your Toddler Whether it’s explaining why you can’t go to a new park to clarifying why grandpa is not visiting anymore; we all have to tackle having these difficult conversations in an age appropriate way. We will learn strategies to talk about the uncomfortable things we so desperately want to avoid.
  • May 1st  - Week 6 - Time How do you get it all done? Do you feel trapped in between nap schedules? How do you get everyone to bed? What’s the challenges associated with having two or more members of your family competing for time throughout the day. As the family grows time for you seems to shrink. What do you do to carve out time for yourself? What do you do to carve out a space for your partner?
Cost: $180 (6 weeks)
Pre-registration is required
No Class March 27th & April 17
**This group is meant for one parent of the couple at a time**

(In Person ) 1st Time Parent Support Group (6 Weeks) with Amy Edelstein

Thu Date: Mar 13 2025 - May 01 2025 From: 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

With:  Amy Edelstein, LCSW

Come together in a safe space to meet new parents, share stories, experiences and to discuss various topics related to your transition into parenthood. This space offers parents compassionate support in a non-judgemental and nurturing environment.

Dates and Topics for discussion for the 6 week series:

  • March 13 - Week 1: Finding your way into new parenthood. Wellness, Identity and Self care
  • March 20 - Week 2: Sleep Habits and Playtime - Ignore all the noise and find your own way to soothe, play and enhance sleep with your little one.
  • March 27th- No Class
  • April 3 - Week 3: Emotional Wellness and Mindfulness: Practicing Mindfulness Techniques in parenthood. When you tune into how you’re feeling, it impacts your family and baby.
  •  April 10- Week 4: Intimacy : How to Maintain a Healthy Relationship with your partner and with yourself after having a baby.
  •  April 17-No Class
  •  April 24 - Week 5: Healing Ourselves from the inside out. Postpartum body image, self-confidence and boundaries.
  • May 1st - Week 6: Putting it all together: Prioritize your time, community, and support system while keeping the routines that work for you and your baby.
Cost: $180 (6 weeks)
Preregistration is required.
No Class on March 27th or April 17th
**This group is meant for one parent of the couple at a time**

(In Person) HypnoBirthing 4 Week Series with Kim Prekel

Sun Date: Mar 23 2025 - Apr 13 2025 From: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

When giving birth with HypnoBirthing® The Mongan Method, a mother will be in a state of deep relaxation-- awake, aware, and fully in control. The Hypnobirthing® techniques shared in our class teaches women how to release all prior programming about birth to free themselves of limiting thoughts and emotions that lead to discomfort and resistant birthing muscles.

In a series of four confidence-building classes, you will learn the logic behind why labor doesn't have to hurt and what you can do about it. Armed with knowledge, the pattern of calm breathing techniques and deep relaxation, you will start to develop everything you need to know to connect with your birthing instincts and create an amazing birthing experience.

Cost: $375 Per Couple (Includes Book , Audio & Shipping )

(In Person) Sign & Say (6 months – 2 years) with Jennifer Federico

Thu Date: Mar 27 2025 From: 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM

Sign & Say (6 months – 2 years): Led by Rose Garden Speech Therapy’s Speech Therapists, this caregiver & me class is designed to make learning language fun. We’ll read books and sing songs while pairing words with gestures and sign language, followed by small group activities and games where we implement strategies to promote language development. You’ll learn ways to encourage your child to increase their speech and language skills.

Cost: $40

(In Person) Dancing for Birth Date Night with Kathy Monacelli

Fri Date: Mar 28 2025 From: 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Love is in the air!

Join a Dancing For Birth™ Date Night!We’re having a special sexy evening for couples, focusing on ways to release the ‘Love Hormone’ oxytocin during labor. You’ll learn comfort measures for labor, pushing positions, and how to work together during labor. You’ll even practice and role-play for labor.

Cost: $25

(In Person) American Heart Association CPR Certification/First Aid with Daniel Furphy

Sat Date: Mar 29 2025 From: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

CPR saves lives. Statistics show that the earlier CPR is initiated, the greater the chances of survival. In fact, the American Heart Association estimates that 100,000 to 200,000 lives of adults and children could be saved each year if CPR were performed early enough. Learning First Aid can be a critical skill to respond and manage an emergency in the first few minutes until emergency medical services (EMS) arrives. Discuss skills such as how to treat choking, bleeding, shock, allergic reactions, seizures and other first aid emergencies.

Each workshop participant will receive a two year CPR certification card from the American Heart Association and special focus will be provided on Pediatric and Infant CPR. First Aid Basics will be discussed (time permitting), our instructor will focus on First Aid Emergencies specific to Pediatric Patients and Infants. The instructor will encourage participants to provide situational emergencies and provide discussion on an appropriate response. No certification is offered for First Aid.

 Cost: $105 per person / $195 per couple


(In-Person) Musical Bonding with Your Baby with Amy Edelstein

Thu Date: Apr 03 2025 From: 12:30 PM - 1:15 PM

(0-24 months)

Research shows that music enhances a baby’s mood, reduces stress and helps them fall asleep. A sensory engaging musical environment can greatly improve learning and enhances your child’s cognitive, motor and sensory development. Come join me for a music class while learning how musical connection increases bonding with your baby.

Cost: $25 per person

(In Person) New and Expectant Parents Mix and Mingle Event with Montclair BABY Staff

Thu Date: Apr 03 2025 From: 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Inviting all New Parents and Parents to-be to Montclair BABY’s Mix and Mingle Gathering

Montclair B.A.B.Y. together with other community partners bring you an evening of prenatal and postnatal education.

Connect with other new parents and parents to- be while you learn about:

  • Doula services
  • Breastfeeding
  • Newborn care
  • Pregnancy and parenting tips from our teachers and workshop facilitators.

 A selection of birth doulas, certified lactation consultants, and birth and postpartum health care experts will be at the event to answer all of your questions.

Join us for an evening of connection and community.

Stay tuned for some fun giveaways and a free raffle at the end of the event!

This Event is For Expecting Parents and New Parents who want to learn more about babies, pregnancy, birth and beyond.

Cost: Free (pre-registration is required)

(In Person) Couples Prenatal Yoga with Michelle Goitia

Fri Date: Apr 04 2025 From: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

This class is designed to help couples find a deeper connection to body, breath and heart for the big day.  We will be doing lots of partner yoga exercises which will encourage couples to tune in while listening and communicating with your partner. We learn so much about our bodies when we are on the mat.  This workshop will help us listen to that voice that tells us to move deeper inside in order to connect to the here and now.  It's a wonderful opportunity for us to connect to our partners rhythm.

Cost: $75

(In Studio) Family Toddler Yoga with Michelle Goitia

Sat Date: Apr 05 2025 From: 9:45 AM - 10:30 AM

Ages 14 months - 3 yrs

Toddler Yoga is designed for children and parents to explore yoga through a blend of stretches, poses, songs and games. This class offers tot-centric movement that encourages and supports the child's rapidly-increasing physical explorations, all through an engaging and energetic format filled with music and fun. Yoga can help your child with self-expression, relaxation, sleep and can improve the ability to listen and follow directions. For grownups, it’s a fun way to get some gentle stretching while enjoying the child’s new discoveries.

$25 (parent & child )
$30 ( family of 3 )
$35 ( family of 4 )
Limited spots so please pre-register!

(In Studio) Family Baby & Me Yoga with Michelle Goitia

Sat Date: Apr 05 2025 From: 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Ages 2 - 12 mnths

Join us for a special Family Baby Yoga Class (ages 2 -12 mths) Stretch, bond, and breathe with your baby in this special yoga class designed for families and infants . Meet other parents and babies while taking part in this class. In these classes we will not only devote time to do restorative and strengthening yoga poses but will also incorporate music and massage for families and baby to do together.

$25 (parent & child )
$30 ( family of 3 )
Limited spots so please pre-register!

(In-Person) Holistic Lamaze (Half-Day) with Kelli DeFlora

Sun Date: Apr 06 2025 From: 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Holistic Lamaze Childbirth Education, inspired by the book, Birthing from Within and based on the The Six Care Practices that Support Physiological Birth.

The Classes Cover:

  • positions for labor & birth
  • pain coping practices
  • breath and imagery practice
  • Family Centered Cesarean Birth
  • attachment & bonding
  • postpartum & the newborn
  • solution-focused, not outcome-focused philosophy
  • a mind-body-spirit approach for labor and birth

A compassionate, evidence-based approach to birth preparation and a great alternative to hospital based classes.

Cost: $295 Per Couple

(In Person) Baby Care Basics with Jade Newkirk

Tue Date: Apr 08 2025 From: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

In this class we will discuss breastfeeding, safe formula preparation and newborn care to get you off to a great start the first few weeks after bringing baby home. We will cover newborn feeding behaviors, how to know if baby is latched well, how to know if baby is getting enough, normal breastfeeding complications and when to call for help.

We will also discuss diapering and umbilical cord care, bathing, body language and safe sleep practices and how it pertains to both the breastfed and bottle fed baby. We will touch on healthy sleep habits, swaddling and other techniques to help you soothe your baby.

***This class is designed to be taken during your pregnancy or before baby arrives.***

Cost: $99 per couple

(In Person) Bellies Down! Supporting Your Baby’s Motor Development with Ashley Scully

Thu Date: Apr 10 2025 From: 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

You’ve heard all about tummy time, but there are still so many questions! What’s the best way to do tummy time? How long should my baby be on their tummy? What if my baby doesn’t like it? Join this interactive, in-person class to learn how to best support your baby during tummy time play! In this class designed for caregivers and infants ages 0-4 months, occupational therapist Ashley Scully of Play and Thrive Pediatric Therapy will provide specific recommendations to improve your baby’s tolerance to tummy time. Other strengthening activities to promote achievement of motor milestones will also be covered.

Cost: $40 per baby

(In Person) Holistic Lamaze (4 Week Childbirth Series) with Kelli DeFlora

Thu Date: Apr 10 2025 - May 01 2025 From: 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Holistic Childbirth Education, inspired by the book, Birthing from Within and based on the The Six Care Practices that Support Physiological Birth.

The Classes Cover:

  • positions for labor & birth
  • pain coping practices
  • breath and imagery practice
  • Family Centered Cesarean Birth
  • attachment & bonding
  • postpartum & the newborn
  • solution-focused, not outcome-focused philosophy
  • a mind-body-spirit approach for labor and birth

A compassionate, evidence-based approach to birth preparation and a great alternative to hospital based classes.

 Cost: $395 Per Couple

(In Person) American Heart Association CPR Certification/First Aid with Daniel Furphy

Sat Date: Apr 12 2025 From: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

CPR saves lives. Statistics show that the earlier CPR is initiated, the greater the chances of survival. In fact, the American Heart Association estimates that 100,000 to 200,000 lives of adults and children could be saved each year if CPR were performed early enough. Learning First Aid can be a critical skill to respond and manage an emergency in the first few minutes until emergency medical services (EMS) arrives. Discuss skills such as how to treat choking, bleeding, shock, allergic reactions, seizures and other first aid emergencies.

Each workshop participant will receive a two year CPR certification card from the American Heart Association and special focus will be provided on Pediatric and Infant CPR. First Aid Basics will be discussed (time permitting), our instructor will focus on First Aid Emergencies specific to Pediatric Patients and Infants. The instructor will encourage participants to provide situational emergencies and provide discussion on an appropriate response. No certification is offered for First Aid.

 Cost: $105 per person / $195 per couple


(In Person) Breastfeeding & Newborn Care with Jen Kowal

Sun Date: Apr 13 2025 From: 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM

In this comprehensive class for expectant parents we will cover breastfeeding and newborn care to get you off to a great start the first few weeks after bringing baby home. We will cover newborn feeding behaviors, how to know if baby is latched well, how to know if baby is getting enough, normal breastfeeding complications and when to call for help. We will also discuss diapering and umbilical cord care, bathing, body language and safe sleep practices and how it pertains to the breastfed baby.
***This class is designed to be taken during your pregnancy or before baby arrives.***

Cost: $175 per couple

(In Person) Dads Group with Amy Edelstein

Tue Date: Apr 22 2025 From: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

FINALLY - a space just for dads to vent, laugh, learn and commiserate with other dads. This group is for those with one or more children (Non-mobile infants welcome to come along to the group. Structured topics include: relationship stressors, identity and time, emotion vs. logical expectations, and dad guilt. Group set to meet monthly.

Cost: $30

(In Person) Sign & Say (6 months – 2 years) with Jennifer Federico

Wed Date: Apr 23 2025 From: 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM

Sign & Say (6 months – 2 years): Led by Rose Garden Speech Therapy’s Speech Therapists, this caregiver & me class is designed to make learning language fun. We’ll read books and sing songs while pairing words with gestures and sign language, followed by small group activities and games where we implement strategies to promote language development. You’ll learn ways to encourage your child to increase their speech and language skills.

Cost: $40

(In Person) Dancing for Birth Date Night with Kathy Monacelli

Fri Date: Apr 25 2025 From: 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Love is in the air!

Join a Dancing For Birth™ Date Night!We’re having a special sexy evening for couples, focusing on ways to release the ‘Love Hormone’ oxytocin during labor. You’ll learn comfort measures for labor, pushing positions, and how to work together during labor. You’ll even practice and role-play for labor.

Cost: $25

(In-Person) Holistic Lamaze (Half-Day) with Kelli DeFlora

Sat Date: May 03 2025 From: 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Holistic Lamaze Childbirth Education, inspired by the book, Birthing from Within and based on the The Six Care Practices that Support Physiological Birth.

The Classes Cover:

  • positions for labor & birth
  • pain coping practices
  • breath and imagery practice
  • Family Centered Cesarean Birth
  • attachment & bonding
  • postpartum & the newborn
  • solution-focused, not outcome-focused philosophy
  • a mind-body-spirit approach for labor and birth

A compassionate, evidence-based approach to birth preparation and a great alternative to hospital based classes.

Cost: $295 Per Couple

Infant Massage For Families ( In Studio or Livestream) with Kelli DeFlora

Wed Date: May 07 2025 From: 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM

Infant Massage is a holistic and natural way to promote infant health, improve parenting skills and deepen bonding. Infant massage incorporates nurturing touch, massage and reflexology in a loving, fun, one-on-one interaction that provides nourishment for baby’s mind, body and spirit.

Cost:  $50 per family

(In Person) Bellies Down! Supporting Your Baby’s Motor Development with Ashley Scully

Thu Date: May 08 2025 From: 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

You’ve heard all about tummy time, but there are still so many questions! What’s the best way to do tummy time? How long should my baby be on their tummy? What if my baby doesn’t like it? Join this interactive, in-person class to learn how to best support your baby during tummy time play! In this class designed for caregivers and infants ages 0-4 months, occupational therapist Ashley Scully of Play and Thrive Pediatric Therapy will provide specific recommendations to improve your baby’s tolerance to tummy time. Other strengthening activities to promote achievement of motor milestones will also be covered.

Cost: $40 per baby

(In Person) Couples Prenatal Yoga with Michelle Goitia

Fri Date: May 09 2025 From: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

This class is designed to help couples find a deeper connection to body, breath and heart for the big day.  We will be doing lots of partner yoga exercises which will encourage couples to tune in while listening and communicating with your partner. We learn so much about our bodies when we are on the mat.  This workshop will help us listen to that voice that tells us to move deeper inside in order to connect to the here and now.  It's a wonderful opportunity for us to connect to our partners rhythm.

Cost: $75

(In Studio) Family Toddler Yoga with Michelle Goitia

Sat Date: May 10 2025 From: 9:45 AM - 10:30 AM

Ages 14 months - 3 yrs

Toddler Yoga is designed for children and parents to explore yoga through a blend of stretches, poses, songs and games. This class offers tot-centric movement that encourages and supports the child's rapidly-increasing physical explorations, all through an engaging and energetic format filled with music and fun. Yoga can help your child with self-expression, relaxation, sleep and can improve the ability to listen and follow directions. For grownups, it’s a fun way to get some gentle stretching while enjoying the child’s new discoveries.

$25 (parent & child )
$30 ( family of 3 )
$35 ( family of 4 )
Limited spots so please pre-register!

(In Person) American Heart Association CPR Certification/First Aid with Daniel Furphy

Sat Date: May 10 2025 From: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

CPR saves lives. Statistics show that the earlier CPR is initiated, the greater the chances of survival. In fact, the American Heart Association estimates that 100,000 to 200,000 lives of adults and children could be saved each year if CPR were performed early enough. Learning First Aid can be a critical skill to respond and manage an emergency in the first few minutes until emergency medical services (EMS) arrives. Discuss skills such as how to treat choking, bleeding, shock, allergic reactions, seizures and other first aid emergencies.

Each workshop participant will receive a two year CPR certification card from the American Heart Association and special focus will be provided on Pediatric and Infant CPR. First Aid Basics will be discussed (time permitting), our instructor will focus on First Aid Emergencies specific to Pediatric Patients and Infants. The instructor will encourage participants to provide situational emergencies and provide discussion on an appropriate response. No certification is offered for First Aid.

 Cost: $105 per person / $195 per couple


(In Person) Baby Care Basics with Jade Newkirk

Tue Date: May 13 2025 From: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

In this class we will discuss breastfeeding, safe formula preparation and newborn care to get you off to a great start the first few weeks after bringing baby home. We will cover newborn feeding behaviors, how to know if baby is latched well, how to know if baby is getting enough, normal breastfeeding complications and when to call for help.

We will also discuss diapering and umbilical cord care, bathing, body language and safe sleep practices and how it pertains to both the breastfed and bottle fed baby. We will touch on healthy sleep habits, swaddling and other techniques to help you soothe your baby.

***This class is designed to be taken during your pregnancy or before baby arrives.***

Cost: $99 per couple

(In Person) 1st Time Parent Support Group (6 Weeks) May/ June with Amy Edelstein

Thu Date: May 15 2025 - Jun 19 2025 From: 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

With:  Amy Edelstein, LCSW

Come together in a safe space to meet new parents, share stories, experiences and to discuss various topics related to your transition into parenthood. This space offers parents compassionate support in a non-judgemental and nurturing environment.

Dates and Topics for discussion for the 6 week series:

  • May 15- Week 1: Finding your way into new parenthood. Wellness, Identity and Self care
  • May 22- Week 2: Sleep Habits and Playtime - Ignore all the noise and find your own way to soothe, play and enhance sleep with your little one.
  • May 29 - Week 3: Emotional Wellness and Mindfulness: Practicing Mindfulness Techniques in parenthood. When you tune into how you’re feeling, it impacts your family and baby.
  • June 5 - Week 4: Intimacy : How to Maintain a Healthy Relationship with your partner and with yourself after having a baby.
  • June 12  - Week 5: Healing Ourselves from the inside out. Postpartum body image, self-confidence and boundaries.
  • June 19 - Week 6: Putting it all together: Prioritize your time, community, and support system while keeping the routines that work for you and your baby.
Cost: $180 (6 weeks)
Preregistration is required.

Baby's First Foods ( In Person ) with Caitlin Kiarie

Thu Date: May 15 2025 From: 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

After mastering the first few months of feeding your child breastmilk or formula, you are now starting to wonder about taking the next step. Will you start with infant cereals or whole foods? How much will you give and how will you know when they’ve had enough? What spoons/bowls/cups will you use? Come learn HOW and WHEN to introduce your child to solid foods in a way that lays a solid foundation for good eating habits to last a lifetime. The food choices and behaviors you instill in your child begin at this very point and deserve the proper education.

Cost: $89 per family  Babies are welcome!

(In Person) Holistic Lamaze (4 Week Childbirth Series) with Kelli DeFlora

Thu Date: May 15 2025 - Jun 05 2025 From: 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Holistic Childbirth Education, inspired by the book, Birthing from Within and based on the The Six Care Practices that Support Physiological Birth.

The Classes Cover:

  • positions for labor & birth
  • pain coping practices
  • breath and imagery practice
  • Family Centered Cesarean Birth
  • attachment & bonding
  • postpartum & the newborn
  • solution-focused, not outcome-focused philosophy
  • a mind-body-spirit approach for labor and birth

A compassionate, evidence-based approach to birth preparation and a great alternative to hospital based classes.

 Cost: $395 Per Couple

(In Person) Breastfeeding & Newborn Care with Jen Kowal

Sun Date: May 18 2025 From: 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM

In this comprehensive class for expectant parents we will cover breastfeeding and newborn care to get you off to a great start the first few weeks after bringing baby home. We will cover newborn feeding behaviors, how to know if baby is latched well, how to know if baby is getting enough, normal breastfeeding complications and when to call for help. We will also discuss diapering and umbilical cord care, bathing, body language and safe sleep practices and how it pertains to the breastfed baby.
***This class is designed to be taken during your pregnancy or before baby arrives.***

Cost: $175 per couple

(In Person) Dads Group with Amy Edelstein

Tue Date: May 20 2025 From: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

FINALLY - a space just for dads to vent, laugh, learn and commiserate with other dads. This group is for those with one or more children (Non-mobile infants welcome to come along to the group. Structured topics include: relationship stressors, identity and time, emotion vs. logical expectations, and dad guilt. Group set to meet monthly.

Cost: $30

(In Person) Baby Makes 3: Preparations for New Parenthood with Amy Edelstein

Tue Date: May 20 2025 From: 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Having more realistic expectations BEFORE parenthood can protect you from additional stress and wellness concerns. You might find all your energy dedicated to managing your pregnancy, but what about after baby arrives? This workshop will address the most challenging tasks of new parenthood and how to create more realistic expectations for your new expanded family. You will walk away with strategies to improve the strength of your partnership, identify new roles for you and your partner when baby arrives, navigate feeding and sleep care, and create the entrance into parenthood that fits your family’s style.

This workshop is suitable for couples or solo partners.

Cost: $50 single / $60 per couple

(In Person) Sign & Say (6 months – 2 years) with Jennifer Federico

Wed Date: May 21 2025 From: 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM

Sign & Say (6 months – 2 years): Led by Rose Garden Speech Therapy’s Speech Therapists, this caregiver & me class is designed to make learning language fun. We’ll read books and sing songs while pairing words with gestures and sign language, followed by small group activities and games where we implement strategies to promote language development. You’ll learn ways to encourage your child to increase their speech and language skills.

Cost: $40

(In Person) Dancing for Birth Date Night with Kathy Monacelli

Fri Date: May 30 2025 From: 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Love is in the air!

Join a Dancing For Birth™ Date Night!We’re having a special sexy evening for couples, focusing on ways to release the ‘Love Hormone’ oxytocin during labor. You’ll learn comfort measures for labor, pushing positions, and how to work together during labor. You’ll even practice and role-play for labor.

Cost: $25

(In-Person) Holistic Lamaze (Half-Day) with Kelli DeFlora

Sun Date: Jun 01 2025 From: 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Holistic Lamaze Childbirth Education, inspired by the book, Birthing from Within and based on the The Six Care Practices that Support Physiological Birth.

The Classes Cover:

  • positions for labor & birth
  • pain coping practices
  • breath and imagery practice
  • Family Centered Cesarean Birth
  • attachment & bonding
  • postpartum & the newborn
  • solution-focused, not outcome-focused philosophy
  • a mind-body-spirit approach for labor and birth

A compassionate, evidence-based approach to birth preparation and a great alternative to hospital based classes.

Cost: $295 Per Couple

(In Person) HypnoBirthing 4 Week Series with Kim Prekel

Sun Date: Jun 01 2025 - Jun 22 2025 From: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

When giving birth with HypnoBirthing® The Mongan Method, a mother will be in a state of deep relaxation-- awake, aware, and fully in control. The Hypnobirthing® techniques shared in our class teaches women how to release all prior programming about birth to free themselves of limiting thoughts and emotions that lead to discomfort and resistant birthing muscles.

In a series of four confidence-building classes, you will learn the logic behind why labor doesn't have to hurt and what you can do about it. Armed with knowledge, the pattern of calm breathing techniques and deep relaxation, you will start to develop everything you need to know to connect with your birthing instincts and create an amazing birthing experience.

Cost: $375 Per Couple (Includes Book , Audio & Shipping )

(In-Person) Musical Bonding with Your Baby with Amy Edelstein

Thu Date: Jun 05 2025 From: 12:30 PM - 1:15 PM

(0-24 months)

Research shows that music enhances a baby’s mood, reduces stress and helps them fall asleep. A sensory engaging musical environment can greatly improve learning and enhances your child’s cognitive, motor and sensory development. Come join me for a music class while learning how musical connection increases bonding with your baby.

Cost: $25 per person

(In Person) Baby Care Basics with Jade Newkirk

Tue Date: Jun 10 2025 From: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

In this class we will discuss breastfeeding, safe formula preparation and newborn care to get you off to a great start the first few weeks after bringing baby home. We will cover newborn feeding behaviors, how to know if baby is latched well, how to know if baby is getting enough, normal breastfeeding complications and when to call for help.

We will also discuss diapering and umbilical cord care, bathing, body language and safe sleep practices and how it pertains to both the breastfed and bottle fed baby. We will touch on healthy sleep habits, swaddling and other techniques to help you soothe your baby.

***This class is designed to be taken during your pregnancy or before baby arrives.***

Cost: $99 per couple

(In Person) Sign & Say (6 months – 2 years) with Jennifer Federico

Wed Date: Jun 11 2025 From: 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM

Sign & Say (6 months – 2 years): Led by Rose Garden Speech Therapy’s Speech Therapists, this caregiver & me class is designed to make learning language fun. We’ll read books and sing songs while pairing words with gestures and sign language, followed by small group activities and games where we implement strategies to promote language development. You’ll learn ways to encourage your child to increase their speech and language skills.

Cost: $40

(In Person) Dads Group with Amy Edelstein

Thu Date: Jun 12 2025 From: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

FINALLY - a space just for dads to vent, laugh, learn and commiserate with other dads. This group is for those with one or more children (Non-mobile infants welcome to come along to the group. Structured topics include: relationship stressors, identity and time, emotion vs. logical expectations, and dad guilt. Group set to meet monthly.

Cost: $30

(In Person) Couples Prenatal Yoga with Michelle Goitia

Fri Date: Jun 13 2025 From: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

This class is designed to help couples find a deeper connection to body, breath and heart for the big day.  We will be doing lots of partner yoga exercises which will encourage couples to tune in while listening and communicating with your partner. We learn so much about our bodies when we are on the mat.  This workshop will help us listen to that voice that tells us to move deeper inside in order to connect to the here and now.  It's a wonderful opportunity for us to connect to our partners rhythm.

Cost: $75

(In Studio) Family Toddler Yoga with Michelle Goitia

Sat Date: Jun 14 2025 From: 9:45 AM - 10:30 AM

Ages 14 months - 3 yrs

Toddler Yoga is designed for children and parents to explore yoga through a blend of stretches, poses, songs and games. This class offers tot-centric movement that encourages and supports the child's rapidly-increasing physical explorations, all through an engaging and energetic format filled with music and fun. Yoga can help your child with self-expression, relaxation, sleep and can improve the ability to listen and follow directions. For grownups, it’s a fun way to get some gentle stretching while enjoying the child’s new discoveries.

$25 (parent & child )
$30 ( family of 3 )
$35 ( family of 4 )
Limited spots so please pre-register!

(In Studio) Family Baby & Me Yoga with Michelle Goitia

Sat Date: Jun 14 2025 From: 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Ages 2 - 12 mnths

Join us for a special Family Baby Yoga Class (ages 2 -12 mths) Stretch, bond, and breathe with your baby in this special yoga class designed for families and infants . Meet other parents and babies while taking part in this class. In these classes we will not only devote time to do restorative and strengthening yoga poses but will also incorporate music and massage for families and baby to do together.

$25 (parent & child )
$30 ( family of 3 )
Limited spots so please pre-register!

(In Person) Bellies Down! Supporting Your Baby’s Motor Development with Ashley Scully

Thu Date: Jun 19 2025 From: 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

You’ve heard all about tummy time, but there are still so many questions! What’s the best way to do tummy time? How long should my baby be on their tummy? What if my baby doesn’t like it? Join this interactive, in-person class to learn how to best support your baby during tummy time play! In this class designed for caregivers and infants ages 0-4 months, occupational therapist Ashley Scully of Play and Thrive Pediatric Therapy will provide specific recommendations to improve your baby’s tolerance to tummy time. Other strengthening activities to promote achievement of motor milestones will also be covered.

Cost: $40 per baby